“Truth is stranger than fiction, because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; truth isn’t.” -Mark Twain
Based on the quote above, I’m convinced, like many great writers, Mark Twain saw into the future. Yes, you see, when we make up fiction, there must be a train of logic that makes sense holds the fiction together. Its safe to say that today’s generation is more educated than generations past because we have the advantage of time to study the past through history. Someone once said that if we don’t learn from history, we are bound to repeat it again. The state of our present world is a good indication of whether or not, we have learned from history.
The truth of the matter is, on the surface, our world appears to be evolving, advancing, and moving forward, while beneath the surface, the lines of good and evil, right and wrong, fact and fiction are so blurred, that a new Man[the whole human race] , we’ll call 21st Century Man is being birthed. Awaiting Man is a new world designed by a handful of people using an old system with methods of maintaining the status quo of long ago. This system is one designed to be highly controlled to the advantage of a few, at the expense of the expendable masses.
Without this understanding, the new Man possesses, unlike past generations, access to much expert knowledge, information, and material resources, appearing to be in control of his destiny, yet in reality, he lacks direction, feels powerless, confused, and emotionally unstable. As mass media bears witness to a rise in mental illness, depression, suicide, substance addictions, crime and violence, a logical question is, “How did we get to this point in our human evolution?”
Based on past generation’s account of strength, and resilience that come from community, family and personal development and responsibility, a new Man is emerging, whose strength and identity is closely tied to a world of Augmented reality, Alternate reality, and Fluid perception of fact, fiction, and truth. The result is a directionless, broken, 21st Century Man, bombarded with conflicting information concerning our world, his purpose and identity. With uncertainties and confusion about truth, a new Man emerges who relies on collective ideas and expert advice, as the power he is born with, remains dormant. As Man is encouraged to slumber and sleep when not being entertained, his reality is being created by those narrating a type-casted script.
As Man forfeits his personal power to collective thought, his own reasoning and logic gets assassinated by Political Correctness and tolerance agents. Controlled narratives, opinions, and censorship is disguised as news, while individual thought becomes an outlaw from group thinking deputies, carrying arrest warrants for individuality. As confusion and mass hysteria is crowned king, social media becomes the royal arena where lions feast on the bones of truth.
With today’s violent tossing of, the waves of instability, uncertain minds prostrate before a throne of alternate reality, awaiting a scepter to directly download, into the cerebrum, seed being released from the playground of someone else’s mind. The mind is that playground where truth conceived for Man, incubates in a matrix nourished by fluid perception. When the water breaks, and midwives at birthstools yell, “push!”, question is, who or what, will emerge? Congratulations on the birth of 21st Century Man.