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About Us
Lemon Lessons is an inclusive community of people thirsting for truth, revelation and, empowered thinking, that is able to break strongholds and cycles of oppressed thinking so that individuals and communities can transform.
Lemon Lessons offers hope and encouragement for a bright future, a way to connect with others, and share information and life strategies this next generation, needs. We're a growing non-for-profit organization on a mission to educate, empower, and positively impact communities with access to FREE resources, a forum to engage in dialogue, community outreach, and faith-based organizations that specialize in healing, transforming, and freeing minds from, inherited trauma, learned helplessness, and long-broken systems that can no longer pretend to work.
Joining the forum, gets you access to FREE resource downloads, FREE K-12 American History & Civics material for homeschoolers and classrooms. You'll also be linked to FREE adult courses in American History and Civics. Lemon Lessons is an added layer on the work that has already begun by those who see the worsening decline in communities everywhere. We support classical education, empowered thinking, and civil liberties protected under our constitution that produces effective leaders and agents of change.
Based on 24 years of experience, serving in a public school system and observing the socio-economic disparities of hardworking families stuck in cycles of dysfunction, mental illness, addictions, incarcerations, among other social issues, Ms. Raymond created the non-profit, Lemon Lessons, during the forced vaccine mandates in October of 2021 while on unpaid leave. One goal is to be an online community that helps break false narrative convincing individuals and entire communities, they are powerless, needing to dependent on, and place personal responsibilities into the hands of government, big systems, and big names.
Growing up in the same urban neighborhood, in which she taught, Ms. Raymond, often wondered, growing up, how her community evolved into the state of depravity in which she experienced being an immigrant, poverty, crime, violence, gangs, and drugs. She also understood how her faith, and the principles of a free democracy contributed to an adult life, where she was able to go on unpaid leave, unphased, continuing her passion of teaching, salary-free.
Lemon Lessons hopes the next generation doesn't need to ask the, "how did we get here?" question as we currently witness illegal government overreach, livelihood of hard-working citizens being held ransom in exchange for dignity, human rights, and free-will, while morality and civility take a back seat behind fear reports, confusion and social media.
Although in it's infancy stage, Lemon Lessons is committed to developing and expanding it's reach to encourage it's visitors and members to understand their full potential as powerful individuals with a free will, more than able to ignite effective change now, and for the next generation. As a society, we're at a crossroad. One of the first things learned in building Lemon Lessons is that there are far more, courageous individuals who stopped what they were doing to reprioritize, and stand up for truth, despite how the media portrays them. We're looking to partner with even more talented men, women, and organizations who understand what is at stake in this particular time in history.
We acknowledge the harm of unfair practices and treatment of marginalized groups as an ever-present battle. For this reason, we rely, not on opinion and theory, but rather, on unchanging principles of the constitution, built on unchanging principles found in the bible. Our forum is the perfect place to ASK questions, share, explore primary resources, and clarify assumptions and misconceptions.